For this assignment I had to choose a strong concept and produce a process book with illustrations, flats, and fabric manipulation samples based on said concept. When the process was completed I made a garment based off one of my chosen designs. My concept was in regards to the 2016 election and the fragmentation it caused in the U.S. It was also based on a newfound patriotism in America. Because of this, Americana was a very prominent design ideology in my concept. The garment itself was drafted in Gerber Accumark as an oversized shirt and collar which I then draped on a dress form to create a new silhouette. The materials used included denim and a cotton American flag which I had disassembled and reappropriated into the dress. This was all done to further push the concept of making something new out of the pieces of the old. Finally I embroidered the words "United We Stand" on the back strap to top it off. 
Photographed by Daniel Roa / Instagram: @danielroaart
Modeled by Ardeen Samuel / Instagram: @deenyxo
Photographed by Daniel Roa / Instagram: @danielroaart
Modeled by Ardeen Samuel / Instagram: @deenyxo
Photographed by Daniel Roa / Instagram: @danielroaart
Modeled by Ardeen Samuel / Instagram: @deenyxo
United We Stand

United We Stand

For this assignment I had to choose a strong concept and produce a process book with illustrations, flats, and fabric manipulation samples based Read More
